Please use the links below to order or renew your membership or if you wish to make a donation for the Society's work.
Annual Single Membership
Annual Single Membership runs for one year and is currently £18. (Quantity = number of years desired)
Annual Junior Membership
Annual Junior Membership, available to anyone under 18 years of age on joining or subsequent anniversary, runs for one year and is currently £10. (Quantity = number of years desired)
Annual Family Membership
Annual Family Membership (2 or more people living at the same address but children must be under 18 years of age when subscription begins) runs for one year and is currently £25. (Quantity = number of years desired)
Life Membership
Life Membership is currently £275 for any individual. There are no Family or Junior Life Membership rates available.
Donation for the Society's Work
If you would like to make a donation towards the work of the Society, please use this option. You can choose to donate £5 sterling or any multiple thereof up to £100 in one click.